Tuesday 8 March 2005

what nationality are you?

The rent was supposed to be deducted from my account today, but early this morning Wolves left a bombshell note saying that she couldn't go to the bank since she'd be out of London. Dammit! Rang the bank and found out that I had an overdrawn of over 140 quid. Shit!

Had to transfer some money from my savings to cover that up and after 20 minutes of waiting (they just love putting people on hold) and talking to the reps, it was finally settled. You know, by listening to the way people speak and their accents, you can tell whether they are Indian, Oriental, Black or English. These days, I can say that it's kinda easy to recognize a Pole, Czech, Japanese, Italian or even a Hungarian after I spoke to him or her.

So, when I first heard her voice, I kinda knew that a Malaysian was talking to me on the other line, but I didn't want to ask. However, she had the advantage because she knows my name. After she cleared my account, I knew she had to ask. The question was out and I told her.

We chatted for a while, and she told me her name is Fazlin. While we were talking, she kept calling me by my father's name. I don't have a problem with that because I'm used to being addressed by my last name but it was kinda weird when a fellow Malaysian did that. Uh! I hope she doesn't read this blog though, or else she would know who I am or where I work. The only consolation is that not a lot of people knows what I look like and I'd like to stay faceless to most.

Oh! Btw, do you know that in Lithuania, the last letter for a girl's name is always 'a' and for boys it will always be 's'? Like my friends' names Angelina and Aturas. I was told that Lithuanians never had and never will use names like Michael or Peter or Dorothy or Heidi. Interesting discovery. Mmm... maybe they lithuanized the names to be Michas, Petras, Dorothea and Hedia.

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