Friday 18 March 2005

Think it over and over again

There will be a time when a person has to make a decision that will either make her or break her. As we are busy accumulating wealth and simultaneously trying to find happiness, we often forget to live our lives the way we want to.We go along living an ordinary routine because that's what our family and society expect us to do. We learn to adapt or simply make do with what we have or what we can get. Priorities set aside as circumstances change. And as we grow older, more are expected from us than what we can deliver.

Sometimes when people tell you to set your priorities right, do they mean, 'change your present life for something better', or 'live your life the way you see fit', or 'by the age of 40, you should have a house or two and drive a beamer because that's what expected of you'?

One day you will wake up and say, I wish I had taken the opportunity, I wish I can turn back time and be 24 again. Well, guess what? Your wishes will never come true. Once it's gone out of your grasp, it may never pass your way again. Or so I thought.

I took a chance, gambled my life and here I am. In a another land of opportunity. Life is good, but all the good things never really last, innit?So, at this age, I find myself at a similar junction just like when I was 24. I took a wrong turning and found out a few years later that I made the wrong choice. I blew it up then. But God is great as a second chance came passing by my path. All I have to do is work a little harder to reach for it.

What if I did the same again? Dare I say that this time I will right the wrong? Maybe my wrong is your right and my right is not so wrong after all. I'm confused but I am determined that this time I won't have any regret. Shall I gamble all I have in order to find the ultimate fulfillment?

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