Monday 6 February 2006

Been there, done that, none the wiser!

Thank God the phone line is now working.

I went away to Wales yesterday. It was not the greatest weekend getaway because it was all about work, but good enough to clear my mind. Not like it needs clearing, anyway. I have never been so sure before, and I’ve never been so excited and scared like this at the same time.

When I came here, I was young (still), foolish and just wanted to take an easy route. I live a simple moderate life, and I hate taking a risk, stirring my boat. I run away from having too many responsibilities. I gave too many excuses not to go home. I pointed at the society for my own shortfall, but I didn’t look at myself.

Deep down I know something is not right with me. Something that is not satisfactory, which I do acknowledged but never did anything to fix them, whatever they are.

There is an assumption that as we get older we will get wiser. My thought exactly. I used to think that time will teach me and give me the life experiences. And when I have learnt enough, one day I will not be making mistakes anymore.

You see, I am getting older (there’s no running away from it!), but I am not necessarily wiser. Somehow, this ageing process does seem to speed up as we get older.

The truth is I learn that I may not make the same mistakes again, but there is a whole new gap opening up and lying around waiting for me to fall into. There will always be new areas where I have no guidelines or experiences. The chances are I would be making many mistakes, get them wrong or even screw myself as I go along, but I will never know it if I didn’t give a try.

Richard Templar said ‘wisdom is not about making mistakes, but about learning to escape afterwards with our dignity and sanity intact.’

I have stayed in my comfort zone for too long that it’s losing its appeal. I have to find a new playground and make new mistakes in order to add any values to my knowledge.

I have to accept the fact that there is no avoiding these mistakes and there is little else I can do. After all, maybe with the more mistakes I’ve made, the less likely that I’ll come up with new ones.

I should not be afraid of challenges. Hopefully I may be able to look back and say I’ve done that, what’s next?!

Note: Today I was told that I look 5 years younger. Cool, eh? :)

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