Tuesday 11 January 2005

sexual orientation: yours and mine.

Are you confused about your sexual orientation? If so, you are not alone. I do too. Heck! I'm confused about almost everything.

Most people, who define themselves as heterosexual, at some point in their life, have sexual thoughts towards someone of the same sex. Plus many people who try out sexual behaviors with someone of the same sex will like it, while others are more sexually attracted to someone of the opposite sex.

Simply experimenting with someone of the same sex does not make you gay. Plenty of people who call themselves heterosexual, have engaged in same gendered sexual acts, and plenty of people who call themselves homosexual have never been romantically involved with someone of the same sex.

Thus, you can define your sexual orientation any way you like. All of these categories: gay, lesbian, homosexual, bi-sexual, transgendered, transsexual, pansexual are culturally prescribed labels. Feel free to define your own sexual orientation based on behaviors, or on feelings. What is important, is that you choose to live your life, in the way that feels most comfortable to you.

If you are having confusion about your sexual orientation, ask yourself, the following questions.
1. Have you ever been attracted to someone of the same sex?
2. On multiple occasions, have you found yourself attracted to someone of the same sex?
3. Have you ever fantasized about being with someone of the same sex?
4. Have you ever been sexually aroused while watching a movie where two people of the same gender have been sexual?
5. Have you ever participated in a threesome?
6. Have you ever been with someone of the same sex?
7. Are you more at ease with people of the same gender?

Then ask yourself, how you feel about your answers?
If you answered yes to any of the above questions, then on a scale of 1-100 (one being completely heterosexual, and 100 being completely homosexual) your sexual orientation is somewhere in between. Since there are no hard and fast rules about each label, you may choose one that makes sense to you. Do not ever let people make you feel shitty whatever your sexual orientation is.

For laugh, I took a test to see what my sexual orientation is. I turned out to be pansexual. Go figure!

You are pansexual."Whether you know it or not, you are pansexual. You can find yourself loving a male or female, but you're different from a bisexual. You may also love transgendered, androgynous, and other gender fluid people...people who do not feel they fit into the categories of male or female. When you love, your love is pure."

One who exhibits or suggests a sexuality that has many different forms, objects, and outlets.
One who exhibits many forms of sexual expression.

My oh my!

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