Thursday 11 November 2004

Americans oh! Americans...

Very weird la, a few days ago I wrote about people and their stupid questions and today I heard it was mentioned on the BBC radio. They must have read my blog!

Apparently, the Tourist Board in Roma complains that many many tourists roaming there, oh and get this, especially Americans love asking silly billy questions.

Hey Romans, welcome to my world!

Further evidences:
At the Sistine Chapel, "Where's the other fifteen?"

At Pisa, "Is this where Jesus was born?"

At Eiffel Tower, "It's not as lean as I thought"

In South France, "You have moon too?"

Aisayman, so terrible. Maybe I should collect all the questions and send to a publisher. Mana tau boleh buat duit from these idiots :) I mean the thought of everyone has their own moon might be cool, but than I guess we better not sleep 'cause it'd be too bright round the clock.

When in Rome, do as the Romans do. Act intelligent!

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