Saturday, 18 February 2017

Start with a Bang!

In 2016 I wanted to turn a new leaf, right? For the better? Yeah, right! It was okay, but guess what? 2017 is the worst for me. At the end of last year, on Christmas Day, I had stroke.

Say what? I know, I couldn't believe it myself. I'm still young to have one, I'm only 42. Life was supposed to begin at 40s. But I have no one to blame but myself. That day my blood pressure hit the sky and burst into tiny little meteors. And when they fallen to the ground, they left me half-paralysed. My right side lost its function. I couldn't walk or use my right hand.

There have been so many nights (and days) I cried myself to sleep. Every time someone came to visit, my waterworks burst. I was depressed and I couldn't accept it. I still don't. This wasn't supposed to happen to me! Lying on the hospital bed, I kept asking how it could happen to me. Why, why, why?

So, I begin my new year feeling scared, sad, angry, ashamed, and emotional. What's in store for me next? I don't know and to be honest, I'm actually terrified of the future.


soren said...

hi there,

take care of yourself, hope you will recover soon.

Ewok said...

thank you for the well wishes