Friday, 5 January 2007

don't wait till she comes, go to her

What a nightmare!

I dunno why Blogger team makes us change to using Google account. I find it terribly annoying and troublesome because I failed to login every time I tried. I can do everything else as usual but that login thing certainly menyusahkan.

Imagine this: Whenever I want to log in, I had to create a new blog just so I could sign in to my blogger/google account. Gila!

Just like the previous years, I don't make a habit of having new year resolutions. I'm sure half the population make this commitment to themselves, yet most would be broken shortly after they were set. What's the point?

Once, I was convinced that having new year resolutions would set my priorities right. First, I would work hard to lose the fat that has been inside me for as long as I could remember. Sure, I was motivated. I workout everyday, and most of the time I would overdo it thinking that I could achieve my goal in short period of time.

Then I told myself I'd find another job. I convinced myself that I hated my current job and it didn't give any on the job orgasms. And I told myself I'd buy a house soon. Get my dream car. Build my business. So on.


Some people have a simpler need. Get married, have a baby, be happy.

Soalan saya: Bahagiakah mereka?

Maybe. But that's not what I want. Just yet.

I tell myself life will be better when I switch jobs, when I have a nicer car, when I take a holiday, when I migrate to another country. Life is just about to start when I do all that.

I get frustrated because all that things happened but the obstacles are the same. I still have ordeals to go through, work to be finished and lots of bills to be paid. I realised these are life.
We create happiness along the way with all the little things that matter.

Stop waiting to lose that 10 pounds, for work to begin, to get married, for Friday evening, for a new car, for summer, for Mr. Right. The time is now.

Though I wouldn't mind losing that 10 pounds!

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