Friday 3 December 2004

No problem, mate!

Telephone conversation is addictive. I was chatting on the phone with The Mentor for more than an hour from 17:11 to 18:43. Gosh, since I started driving from Winchester till I got home and parked in front of the flat. The Mentor always has something to say and after she finished giving some pep talk about work, we moved on to personal matters.

I mentioned to her that my boxing class is horrifying but awesome and I am having a good time, even though I can hardly lift my arms. My whole body is so sore from all the punches, jabs and kicks, and when I had to shift the gear while driving, the left arm just hurts so much. It’s a nightmare but odd enough, I am going back for more.

During our long chat, I told her about the talk I had with Martin last night. I am at a point where I am getting a bit frustrated because it seems like there is no two-way interaction. He keeps moaning, yet he does nothing about his situation. A lot of people talk to him and try to help; but I think that whatever advice people gave him just goes out through the window. He gave up easily and when he finally did something, I don’t think he tried hard enough. I don’t know what else I can do to help this guy. Hah! I needed help myself.

As we progressed, The Mentor had a go at me and pointed out my weaknesses. According to her, I need to toughen up because I am too giving and too softhearted. I always do something for someone without hesitate and didn't expect people to return a favour, which I think is true. Last week I helped moved this huge wardrobe from her house to her mother’s house in my little van. For me, this thing is nothing. It is something you would do for a friend. I would gladly do it again and again. She said to me she is waiting for me to ask for a favour and if I did, she would do anything for me, but she knew I wouldn’t ask. Wow! This coming from the director of company I work for. Some people wouldn’t miss this opportunity to ask a person of her position, but not me. I can’t do it and even if I can, I don’t know how. That’s the way I am.

Every now and then, when a friend asks for a favour, it’s always no problem for me. Last year on three separate occasions, I was busy travelling around the country doing my job but I keep a place in west London. I was going to Edinburgh when a friend called up several times and said his friends needed a place to stay. I didn’t know the girls but I left the key to my room with my housemate. They came and stayed there for a few days and when I came back, they already moved out since they found their own place. We never even met! Unbelievable. What if one of them was a psycho? But then again, you can’t go thinking too much about it either. What if they were just harmless and desperately needed the help?

The thing is you can’t just help someone and expect to be rewarded. It’s not ikhlas then. When I offer my help to someone, they do not have to return the favour but instead they can turn around and help someone else. You know, like Pay It Forward the movie. Plus, I always think we should lend a helping hand whenever we can because we just never know when we will need it back. Today is my happy day, but tomorrow could be my unlucky day.

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