Tuesday 29 August 2006

It's the end of August but not the end of me

It feels so good after a long break from blogging. Of course I miss my friends and their stories, but I am glad that I had taken some times to be alone and be completely free of writing or reading blogs.

I hope that that break actually rejuvenates me.

As I wrote before, I had to move and now I am closer to the centre. Right smack in the middle of Malaysian community. Dulu I tak suka bercampur gaul dengan Malaysians disebabkan beberapa incidents that happened to me. Sorry lah beb! I don't like their attitudes so I kept well away from them. I'm not saying that all of them are similar and have bad attitude, but I wasn't interested anymore. I was happy to be on my own.

Now, padan muka saya! After I moved, I met a few Malaysians and I started hearing many stories about some people I don't even know. The politics, MasyaAllah! The mulut, MasyaAllah!

Pening dah saya ni. I go down to the cafe, tengah makan kalu, ada saja yang datang melepak kat meja I nak bercerita about this and that. Eh.. tolonglah! I may know your name ok but I dunno you well enough for you to start your gossips.

I just moved here and I'm not interested and I don't really give a shit, so give me some space. Sometimes when I was reading newspaper I had to block my mind just because I didn't want to listen.

Funny enough this place also gives me some new insight and taught me about the various characters in people. I learn about the value of making new friends, the art of manipulating people (I'm rubbish at it!), the danger of gatal-ed men and the anguish and obstacles one had to face to be where one is today.

If you stay long enough at this place, you will make make friends and foes. You will hear rumours and unfounded accusations. Mulut orang, betul atau tidak, kita tak boleh nak tutup.

Soon there will be a drama swasta.

Like it or not, I'm here but I wish I was somewhere else.

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