Wednesday 16 February 2005

It's a sad ending but necessary

Yes, it is already late and I haven't gone to bed yet. From anxiety to confusion, to being sad and now I'm mad.

I'm so pissed off and I got so much energy to burn. If anyone was in front of me now, memang dah kena kickboxing dah. Whoever you are, you are such a fucking bastard! Dare comment but a fucking coward that you are, you hide by being anonymous.

I shouldn't be emotional and this is not about me, but when it involves my friends, damn right I will defend them! I'm fiercely loyal and when idiots like you cross the line, enough is enough.

Why are you so envious of people who are trying to pick up the pieces of their life? Do they hurt you? Do they kacau you? Or do they even ask for your money? What have they done that affect you badly? Come out and say it.

At least those who blog and bare their souls on the net, they are honest. We are not perfect, just human full with flaws and yes, we are lost but we are seeking to find the path back to the main road. The least you could do is offer support or if you can't do anything else, just shut the fuck up!

This stupid attitude shows exactly what kind of characters you have. You can say whatever you want to me, I'm ready but be truthful and show that you are not a coward.

The blog that inspired me to write is shutting down within 24 hours. It's heartbreaking to know what the writer has gone through and is still going through, I can only imagine. When you read the writing, you think you know them but the fact is you don't. Writers are public figures but they don't owe it to you or anybody else. They only let you on bits and pieces of their life, but that doesn't mean you know them personally.

Blogging can bring happiness and make you feel relieved but at some point it has been a difficult journey for some. In reality, friends can become enemies and strangers you don't know maybe the gems. This is the path to self discovery. And what a discovery it is for the writer. You shall be missed.

Come one. Bring it on.

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