Monday, 26 May 2008

the four-letter word part 2

It was a day later. A text came in @18:27

"I love you"

and the following day @10:29

"Hey baby did I tell you I love you?"

I'm on top of the world. Love you too Sayang!

Saturday, 24 May 2008

the four-letter word

I will always remember this day. When I got to her place I found out she was really ill from food poisoning. The feeling of being protective and concern suddenly emerged from within. I didn't want her to suffer. Oh I would do anything to spare her the pain.

I wanted to care for her and love her and just be with her even if we didn't utter a single word. Just the thought of being close to her is enough. I want to wrap my arms around her and never let go. It's a wonderful feeling.

I had the most magical day of my life. Felt like I was living in a bubble and did not want anyone to burst it.

Today I told her I love her.

Saturday, 3 May 2008


She laid an ultimatum. She won't tolerate it if I betrayed her and if I did it would be the end of us. What makes she thinks I would tolerate if the thing was reversed? Ok, so she hasn't betrayed me but what is going to stop her from doing it?

How could there be one rule for her and another set for me? Can I tolerate that? Is that a betrayal?